Covid impacts, grocery price hikes, food supply challenges, rental crisis, floods, and while we’re there opening a second location - phew!
2022 was a year of exciting growth and goal-kicking for Nexus Care - and we're so grateful for volunteers, donors, and the amazing, resilient clients who wrote the story with us.
We've crunched our numbers and here's our top four stats from 2022 - check it out:
Helped 1,752 Brissie households
Provided 6,379 moments of support across all of our programs
Distributed 3,997 Fresh Food Parcels
Assisted 343 local households with Financial Emergency Relief
As 2023 really hits it’s stride, we are grateful to establish more into the Sandgate space, to continue delivering the quality care programs we’re known for and do our very best to help each guest find their fresh start.